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3 Great Benefits From Outsourcing Your Small Business Payroll Tasks

If you own a small business, you have to make important decisions about what tasks you want to complete yourself and what types of tasks you want to outsource to other individuals. Here are three great benefits you'll experience by outsourcing your small business payroll tasks to an accounting or payroll professional.

#1 Increase Your Free Time

As a small business owner, you need to make sure that you are using your time correctly. Your time should be spent doing tasks that help your business thrive and grow as much as possible and build on your strengths. You should not try to undertake every task that needs done for your business.

For example, if your strength is in sales, you should spend the majority of your time dedicated to increasing sales and strengthening relationships with your customers. Your time should not be spent on something that you are not strong at, such as payroll. With a small business, it is important that you utilize the skill sets of each employee for what they are best suited to do, including yourself.

#2 Increase The Effectiveness Of Tasks

Second, as a small business owner, time is everything. You don't want to dedicate ten hours a week to payroll when an expert could get it down for you in two hours. That is eight hours of time that you or another employee who is not trained in how to do payroll waste every week working on payroll.

Most payroll companies will set up automatic software for your company to use that will help you effectively share the necessary information with them for payroll, reducing your overall effort in the task, and they will be able to effectively complete your payroll in a more more efficient manner.

#3 Save Money

Finally, you can save money by outsourcing your payroll. For example, if you pay an employee or yourself to work on payroll for eight to ten hours a week, but you could pay an accountant or payroll service two hours a week (eight hours a month) to do your payroll. When you pay to outsource, you are also just paying the fee to complete the payroll, you are not paying the hourly wages plus benefits that you offer to an in-house employee to complete the task. Outsourcing can help you manage the time and money that you actually spend on payroll and accountant tasks.

If payroll is not your cup of tea, you should consider outsourcing that task for your small business and dedicating the time and money that would be spend on payroll on tasks that would build your business. For more information, contact a professional like Dale K. Cline, CPA PLLC.
