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What You Need To Know About Price Fluctuations As A First Time Gold Buyer

Even though there is a vast array of profit-generating opportunities that you can deliberate on when looking to diversify your investment portfolio, not many people automatically look to gold as a viable option for them, and this can be attributed to the lack of market knowledge. The reality of the matter is that gold is typically a low-risk investment since there has been an unwavering demand for this commodity in the world market. Moreover, gold is incredibly financially liquid, which means you can easily sell your assets whenever you need to, be it in the short term or long term. Nonetheless, you should know that the price of buying and selling gold is constantly changing.

Knowing the underlying reasons for this will not only make you a savvy gold buyer, but you will also have clarity on the best times to sell if you so choose. This piece highlights some of the things that you need to know about price fluctuations as a first-time gold buyer.

Monetary policy

One of the aspects that most influence gold prices that new buyers tend to be unaware of is monetary policy. In simple terms, this is a policy put in place by the Federal Reserve to regulate the amount of money that is circulating in the economy at any given time. This measure is vital in mitigating inflation, bolstering the growth of the economy, and so on.

When the monetary policy is in favor of decreased interest rates, assets such as bonds are no longer as lucrative as they were. Conversely, gold experiences an increase in demand, and this, in turn, will increase its value. Therefore, gold buyers must stay abreast with the monetary policy so that they know the most opportune times to purchase this commodity.

Dollar rate fluctuations

Although gold is bought and sold all over the world, you should know that this industry is highly dominated by the dollar. Keeping that in mind, any changes to the value of the dollar will also have a direct impact on the cost of purchasing gold. When the dollar rate is low, gold becomes easily accessible to markets across the globe. As a result, there is a surge in demand for this commodity, and you will find that acquisition costs are surprisingly high. You then have to decide whether you are better off purchasing gold at this inflated rate or if you would prefer to wait until the dollar regains its strength and, inversely, buy gold when the market prices decrease.

For more information, reach out to a local gold buyer service, such as Beaverton Coin & Currency.
